Feb 24 2006

DB2 Universal Database

Published by at 6:51 pm under Joiz

Edition specific information

DB2 Express-C, a version of DB2 Universal Database Express Edition (DB2 Express) for the community, is a no-charge data server for use in development and deployment. Providing the same core data server features,? development interfaces as well as system limits as DB2 Express in a smaller package, DB2 Express-C? offers a solid base to build and deploy all applications including: C/C++, Java, .NET, PHP, and more. DB2 Express-C is available for Linux and Windows running on 32 or 64 bit hardware with up to 2CPUs and 4GB of memory


Es claro que IBM esta respondiendo a la oferta proporcionada por oracle?xe.


http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/database/xe/index.html ?


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